Hirani was retained to design and prepare a biddable set of Contract Documents for the following Projects:
VNM-387 – Sidewalk Repairs along Major Avenue at the Verrazano Narrows Bridge. This project consists of designing replacement sidewalk, driveway and curb for approximately 300 linear feet along Major Avenue, adjacent to the substation building. The existing sidewalk, driveway and curb is cracked/damaged and not properly pitched so additional storm water run-off is entering TBTA property adjacent to the site of the substation. The new sidewalk will be pitched towards the curb so storm water run-off can be conveyed to the existing catch basin on Major Avenue and eliminate drainage issues. Services also include a new chain link fence along the TBTA and Fort Hamilton Army Base property line.
WBM-371 – Landscaping at the Bronx Whitestone Bridge. Services consist of designing landscaping at the Bronx Approach (east side), lower garage area adjacent to the NYCDPR Golf Course, and areas around the BWB service building. Landscaping will restore the aesthetic view of the locations, which were previously disturbed during heavy construction.
WBM-372 – Sidewalk Repairs at the Bronx Whitestone Bridge consist of design of removal and replacement of cracked, spalled and/or fractured sidewalk for approximately 500 linear feet around the service building at the BWB facility and new 5 ft wide side walk from the Service Building Front Entrance to the Satellite Toll booths; approximately 100 linear feet. The design will also include replacement of approximately 200 linear feet of concrete curbs in the parking lots and approximately 200 linear feet of steel face curb around the service building.
Owner: MTA Bridges and Tunnels (TBTA)
Project Highlights:
- Site Inspection
- Sidewalk & Curb Design
- Landscape Design